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Bestwood - St Mark's Mission Church

School Walk, Bestwood Village, Notts NG6 8UU. The church was built in the 1880s by the Bestwood Coal and Iron Company, owned by the Lancaster family, on land donated by the Duke of St Albans. The company also built the colliery, cottages, school and ironworks. St Mark's was a mission church and daughter church of Emmanuel Bestwood Park and the first service was held in the church in May 1887. The memorial was unveiled on 17 July 1921 by Lord Osborne Beauclerk (later 12th Duke of St Albans). The dedication on the marble tablet reads: 'To the Glory of God and in loving memory of the men of Bestwood who fell in the Great War 1914-1919'. The names on the memorial include three members of the Lancaster family.

Identified casualties 16 people