All Saints Church, Main Street, Weston, Nottinghamshire, NG23 6ST. The money for the memorial was raised from subscriptions and donations, a collection at the memorial service and bank interest, amounting to £72 12s ½d. The memorial is a brass plaque on a backboard of black marble, dedication: To the Glory of God and in memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives for their country during the Great War 1914-198 (names)'. The total cost of the memorial, made by J Whippell & Co Ltd, Exeter, together with a roll of honour, came to £56.19s. 6d with a charge of £4. 5s made by Geo Brown & Son of Newark (monumental mason) for the tablet to be affixed to the wall. A faculty approving the the installation of the memorial was given in November 1919 but it is likely that the memorial was not installed until May 1920. (Source: Nottinghamshire Archives ref PR6059, PR 6063/1-2, PR6063/3, PR6063/4). Other memorials: WMA27480 'All Saints Parishioners served WW1', a board with the names of those who served and returned and those who died. WMA27481 'Unidentified commemorative shell #1'. WMA27482 'Unidentified commemorative shellcase #2'.
- Names on this memorial
- Location
- Photographs