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This data is related to World War 2

John James Woolley (34)

Service Number N/A
Military Unit Freeth Street Communal Shelter Nottingham 9/5/1941
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Nottingham (10/08/07)
Employment, Education or Hobbies He was a carter.
Family History

John James Woolley was the husband of Elizabeth Woolley and the father of Iris, Eric and Shirley Woolley. They lived at 14, Freeth Street, Meadow Lane, Nottingham. In 1939, they had lived at 4, Simpkin Street, St Ann’s, Nottingham.

Military History

Five members of the Woolley family were killed when the Freeth Street Communal Shelter took a direct hit on May 9th 1941. They were buried in adjacent graves at Wilford Hill between May 12th and 13th.

Extra Information

Grave Reference: Wilford Hill: T29/62A Buried: May 12th 1941


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