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This data is related to World War 2

Philip Stanton (17)

Service Number Unknown
Military Unit 1st Nottinghamshire (City) Bn. Home Guard Co-op Bakery Meadow Lane Nottingham 9/5/1941
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies In 1939, Philip Stanton was a garment dyer.
Family History

He was the son of Henry and Mabel Stanton, and the brother of Lilian and Edith Stanton of Nottingham. In 1939, they lived at 3, Orston Drive, Wollaton Park, Nottingham.

Military History

Philip Stanton was killed on duty at the Co-0p Bakery on Meadow Lane, Nottingham.

Extra Information



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