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This data is related to World War 2

Christina Widdowson (6)

Service Number N/A
Military Unit Communal Shelter Dakeyne Street Sneinton 9/5/1941
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Nottingham (22/12/1934)
Employment, Education or Hobbies N/A
Family History

She was the daughter of Lavinia and Lance Corporal Archibald Widdowson (4982689) 14th Bn Sherwood Foresters killed at Anzio 11/3/1944. They lived at 70, Upper Eldon Street, Sneinton, Nottingham.

Military History

The Dakeyne Street Communal Shelter was located under Black’s lace factory at the junction of Dakeyne Street and Carlton Road, Sneinton, Nottingham. During the raid of May 9th 1941, the shelter sustained a direct hit which killed twenty two people, fifteen of them children.

Extra Information

Grave Reference: Carlton Cemetery


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