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This data is related to World War 2
Flight Sergeant

Frank Edward Reed

Service Number 1582137
Military Unit
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies Unknown
Family History

He was the son of Frederick and Ethel Sophia Reed, of Long Eaton, Nottinghamshire and the husband of Dorothy Mabel Reed.

Military History

Reed was aboard 620 Sqdn Stirling III EH945 which took off to bomb Hannover from Chedburgh 27th September 1943 at 19.55. Four crewmates also died – William (Billy) Howes, Herbert William Ralph Kerslake, James Leo Parry and William Glyn. Three others became prisoners of war – Richard Cavey, William Ewanko and Frank Emery. 678 aircraft – 312 Lancasters, 231 Halifaxes, 111 Stirlings, 24 Wellingtons and 5 American B 17s took part. 38 Bomber Command planes (5.6% of the force) and a B 17 were lost. Reports suggest that strong winds saved the centre of Hannover with bombing concentrated on an area 5 miles north of the city centre.

Extra Information

Hanover War Cemetery Grave Reference: 1 D 14


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