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This data is related to World War 2

Edward Ashley Oldham

Service Number 1582625
Military Unit
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies Unknown
Family History

He was the son of Arthur and Ethel May Oldham of Nottingham

Military History

166 Sqdn Lancaster I W4780 took off at 00.12 3rd January 1944 from Kirmington to bomb Berlin and was lost without trace. Oldham’s crewmates were James Birtwhistle, Geoffrey Firth, Harold Frederick Hales, John Hamilton, Winifred Patten Harrison and Peter Murray. 383 aircraft – 362 Lancasters, 12 Mosquitoes and 9 Halifaxes took part in the raid which killed 36 civilians and destroyed 82 houses. Industrial damage, however, was slight on this occasion.

Extra Information

Runnymede Memorial Panel 235


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