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This data is related to World War 2

Christopher Timothy Fletcher

Service Number 741988
Military Unit
Date of birth Unknown
Date of Death Unknown (Age Unknown)
Place of Birth Unknown
Employment, Education or Hobbies Unknown
Family History

He was the son of William and Nora Fletcher of Hyson Green Nottingham

Military History

Wellington I L7846. Sergeant C T Fletcher, Flight Sergeant R Atkin, Sergeant K Naylor, Sergeant D Hinde, Sergeant J L Rowe, Sergeant J Hood: missing believed killed; aircraft missing en route to Benghazi, Libya, 37 Squadron, 23 June 1941. 37 Sqdn’s ORB (TNA AIR27-389-12) records ‘Sgt Fletcher was detailed to attack shipping in the harbor at Benghazi. He failed to return from this operation. However, an SOS was picked up by P/O Galbraith (which) read “crashed when forced landing. All ok.” In view of this message … there is reason to hope the entire crew may be prisoners of war.’ A forlorn hope as it transpired.

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