Ernest Howard
In the 1911 he was a joiner
- Family History
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Ernest Howard was was the son of Arthur and Sarah Howard née Rowlston.
His father Arthur Howard was born in 1858 in Radcliffe on Trent and his mother Sarah Rowlston was born in 1858 in Cotgrave. They were married on 22 April 1884 at Cotgrave All Saints, and had three children all of whom were born in Radcliffe on Trent: Ernest b. 26 July 1887 bap. 28 August 1887 Radcliffe on Trent Wesleyan Methodist Church; Constance Lizzie b. 16 August 1889 (O/N/D Bingham) and Mabel Louie b. 16 March 1892 (A/M/J Bingham).
In 1891 Arthur (32), a malster, and Sarah together with their first two children, Ernest (3) and Constance (1) were living on Back Lane, Radcliffe on Trent.
By 1901 they had moved to Hog Lane where they lived with their three children Ernest, Constance and Mabel (9). Also in the household were two boarders, Herbert Powdrill (26 b. Gotham Notts) and Geoffrey Tattersall (19 b. York) a pupil to malster.
In the 1911 census the family was living in Radcliffe on Trent (no address given on the census form) and shown as Arthur 53 yrs, a maltster, his wife Sarah 53 yrs and their children Ernest a joiner, Constance Lizzie an overlocker and Mabel Louie a dressmaker.
Arthur and Sarah were living at Walnut Grove, Radcliffe on Trent, when their son died in November 1918 and this continued to be their home until their deaths. Sarah died on 21 November 1825 and Arthur on 9 March 1933.
Of Ernest's sisters:
Constance served as a nurse during the war (N42712/Do25385 Chilwell). She married Alfred W Burden at the Middlesex Methodist Central Hall in 1931 (O/N/D St George Hanover Square London). In 1911 Alfred (28), a plumber, had been living in West Bridgford, Nottingham, with his parents George and Martha. In 1939 Constance and Alfred were living on Rydal Drive, Beeston, Nottingham; Alfred was a retired waste [plumbers'] merchant. Constance died in 1950 (A/M/J Basford) and her husband died in 1966.
Mabel Louie married Percy Rook (b. 3 August 1890) in 1911 (O/N/D Bingham). Percy was a domestic gardener and in 1911 was living in Radcliffe on Trent as a lodger in the household of George and Elizabeth Butler. Percy served in the war in the North Staffordshire Regiment (25043 Private). He and Mabel had three children: Kenneth H birth registered 1912 (J/F/M Basford) m. Ingborg A Kuss 1950 d. 1971; Thomas Percy b. 1914 (J/A/S Nottingham) served RAFVR d. 30 June 1944 (see 'Extra Information'); and Constance Lilian b, 1915 (O/N/D Nottingham) m. 1 February 1944 S.Sgt John Robinson USAAF, lived USA. At the time of their daughter's wedding Mabel and Percy were living on Julian Road, West Bridgford. There is an incoming passenger list showing that they returned to the UK from New York in 1959, disembarking Southampton on 29 March. They probably later lived in the USA as their deaths were recorded in California.
Private Ernest Howard Served with the 5th Div Motor Transport Company, Army Service Corps,
He died of influenza on 22nd November 1918 and was buried in the Caudry British Cemetery, Nord, France (grave ref. C.ll.5).
CWGC headstone personal inscription: 'He nobly answered the call to duty till we meet again'
Nottingham Evening Post,’Roll of Honour’, 26 November 1918: ‘’Howard. Died of influenza, in France, Pte E Howard, MT Corps, dearly loved son of Mr and Mrs A Howard, Walnut-grove, Radcliffe-on-Trent. A loving son, a brother kind, beautiful memories left behind. Sorrowing mother, father, and sisters.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘In Memoriam’, 2 November 1919: ‘Howard. In loving memory of dear Ernie, who passed away in France November 22nd 1918. Loving memories. From his mother, father and sisters.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Registers of Soldiers' Effects & WW1 Pension Ledgers: his mother, Sarah Howard of Walnut Grove Radcliffe-on-Trent, was his legatee.
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Deaths’, 23 November 1925: ‘Howard. November 21st, Walnut-grove, Radcliffe-on-Trent, Sarah, the beloved wife of Arthur Howard, age 68. At rest.’ www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Deaths’, 10 & 11 March 1933: ‘Howard. Arthur, passed peacefully away March 9th, aged 76. Interment Radcliffe, Monday 2.30.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Ernest's niece, Constance Lilian, the daughter of his sister Mabel Louie, married an American serviceman in 1944.
Nottingham Evening Post, 1 February 1944: ‘An Anglo-American Wedding at Bridgford. St Giles’s Church, West Bridgford was the scene to-day of an Anglo-American wedding, when S.Sgt John Robinson, USAAF, son of Mr and Mrs John F Robinson of Kilgore, Texas, and Miss Constance Lilian Rook, daughter of Mr and Mrs Percy Rook, of 110, Julian-road, West Bridgford, were married by Canon RF Wilkinson. The bride, given away by her father, wore a dress of ivory velvet, and carried a sheaf of arum lilies. There were three bridesmaids, the Misses Pamela Swanwick, Maurine Riley, and Lyn Wardale, who were dressed in turquoise velvet. Each had a posie of anemones. Master Malcolm Taylor, the page, wore a white suit. The best man was Cpl Robert Rook (USAAF), cousin of the bride. A reception was held at the Milton Café.’
Ernest's nephew, Thomas Percy Rook, the son of his sister Mabel Louie, served in the RAFVR (180 Sqdn) in the Second World War (1177574 Flight Sergeant, radio operator) and was killed on 30 June 1944 when his aircraft crashed after take-off killing all five of the crew. He was buried in Radcliffe on Trent Cemetery. (CWGC 1586366)
Nottingham Evening Post ‘Deaths’, 3 July 1944. ‘Rook. TS (sic) Flight-Sgt, gave his life in June 1944. A most dear son and brother. Mother, dad, Connie and Kenneth. Service Radcliffe on Trent Church, 2.30 Tuesday.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
'In Memoriam' notices on the anniversary of Thomas' death were inserted in the Nottingham Evening Post in 1945 and 1946.
For a photograph of the Rook family and other information see: www.radcliffeontrentww1.org.uk/portfolio-items/percy-r-rook