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This data is related to World War 1

Walter Cockayne

Service number 13545
Military unit 1st Bn Grenadier Guards
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 04 Nov 1914 (Age unknown)
Place of birth Nottingham
Employment, education or hobbies

He was a hosiery bleacher in 1911.

Family history

Walter was the son of Thomas a general labourer and Jane Cockayne née Yarnold of 3 Monsall Street, Nottingham.

His father was born in 1857 in Bramcote and his mother was born in 1859 in Beeston. They were married in 1881 in the Nottingham Registration district. They had 10 children but two died in infancy or childhood prior to 1911. Their children were all born in Nottingham and were Thomas born 1882, George born 1884, Walter born 1886, Horace born 1890, Wilfred born 1893 (killed in action 26/9/1915), Nellie born 1895, Ernest born 1898 (killed in action 28/9/1917) and Edwin born 1900.

On the 1911 census the family was living at 3 Monsall Street, Nottingham. Thomas, a general labourer and Jane lived with their children George and Walter, who were both waiters, Horace and Wilfred who were both hosiery bleachers, Nellie, a machinist and Ernest a sorter bleacher. Edwin was at school. Their eldest son Thomas had married and was living at 3 Ellen Terrace Wilton Road Nottingham with his wife Annie Cockayne (née Brown) whom he married in 1909 in Nottingham. Thomas' brother-in-law, Simeon Brown, also died in the war (Sherwood Foresters, 31 October 1916); see record on this Roll of Honour.

Military history

Walter enlisted in Nottingham and was a serving soldier serving with the 1st Battalion Grenadier Guards when the Great War broke out.

He was with his battalion when it landed on 7th October 1914 at Zeebrugge to form part of the British Expeditionary Force. Walter was wounded in action and died at the German Hospital at Werwick on 4th November 1914. He is buried at Larch Wood (Railway Cutting) Cemetery Belgium (grave ref. 4.D.12)

Extra information

Research Peter Gillings

Nottingham Evening Post, 23 January 1915, photograph with caption: 'Pte W Cockayne, 1st Grenadier, 3 Monsall St., New Basford, died of wounds November, 4.'

Nottingham Evening Post, ‘Roll of Honour’, 24 October 1917: ‘Cockayne. In memory of our dear son, Ernest Cockayne, signaller, killed in action, September 26th, 1917, aged 19. Also of Wilfred, killed in action September 26th 1915, and Walter, who died of wounds, November 4th, 1914. True brothers in life; united in death. From sorrowing dad, mother, brothers, & sister.’ (
