Thomas Cosgrove
He was employed by the Midland Railway Company as a goods porter in Nottingham.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Thomas Cosgrove was born in 1882 at Nottingham and was the son of the late James a general labourer and Harriet Cosgrove née Blackmore of 22 Newgate Street Lenton Nottingham.
His father James was born in 1848 at Ireland, he died in 1905 aged 57 yrs, his mother Harriett Blackmore was born in 1849 at Tiverton, Devon, they were married in 1880 at Nottingham and went on to have the following children, Thomas b1882, James b1885 and John b1888.
In the 1911 census his widowed mother is living at 22 Newgate Street, Lenton, she is shown as Harriett 62 yrs a widow working from home she is living with her son John 22 yrs a cycle hand.
It is has not been possible to trace Thomas in the 1911 census.
Rifleman Thomas Cosgrove, enlisted at Nottingham, he served with the 2nd Battalion King's Royal Rifle Corps, he landed in France on 30th August 1914. He died of wounds on 13th November 1914 and is buried in Wimereux Communal Cemetery, Pas de Calais, France 1.B.3
Nottingham Evening Post obituary (abridged), 17 November 1914: Private Thomas Cosgrove 6th KRR, died of wounds at Boulogne, November 14th. (photograph)