Harold Bernard Lees
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Harold Bernard Lees
Harold Lees was an Old Contemtible, that is he was a member of the 2nd Battalion of the Royal Welsh Fusiliers forming part of the original British Expeditionary Force which landed in France in August 1914, fought the Ger-mans under Von Kluck at Mons and retreated to avoid being flanked. The BEF marched continuously for 13 days before turning to take part in the First Battle of Marn and then many actions heading north when both forces tried to outflank each other. This led to the formation of the opposing trenches which became the Western Front. Harold Lees did well to survive the battles of 1914 and 1915, perhaps because he had been wounded and taken out of the line for recovery. He was the son of a tailor, John Bradshaw Lees, having been born in Worksop in 1890 and signed up for the army as soon as he was old enough. No information can be traced as to why he travelled to Caernarvon to join up or how he won his Military Medal as citations were not published. Harold had served in India and was killed during an attack by his battalion on High Wood, one of the notorious Somme Woods on 20 july 1916. The battalion was heavily shelled and suffered heavy losses with 52 deaths including Harrold Lees whose name also appears on the Thiepval Memorial.
Courtesy of Robert Illett
CWG additional information:- Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Lees, of 2, Colonial St., Hull. A reservist, previously served in India.
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