George William Fletcher
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Fred Fletcher and Annie Betts married in Worksop in 1892. The couple had six children, Edith 1893, George William 1897 and Horace 1900. They were living at 13 Crown Terrace, Worksop in 1901 and by 1911 had moved to 180 Gateford Road. The second child, George William Fletcher was the one who became a fatality in the Great War.
Pte George W Fletcher Worksop Guardian 4 October 1918
Another Worksop family to be bereaved is Mr and Mrs Fletcher, 120 John Street, who have lost their second son, Pte George William Fletcher, Royal Warwick’s. The news of their gallant boy’s death has been confirmed by a letter from his commanding officer who writes:-
“Dear Mrs Fletcher, It is with deep regret I have to inform you of the death of your son Pte Fletcher, G W,. He was killed in action, fighting bravely on Sept. 1st, last. I wish to covey my sympathy in your bereavement, and it may console you to know that your son was very well liked by his comrades, and very much respected by me. He died a true soldiers death, fighting for his country, Yours Faithfully, C J Pace, Sec-Lieut.”
Pte Fletcher enlisted in the Notts and Derbys on Sept. 25th, last year. He was sent to France on August 21st last. And he was transferred to the Royal Warwicks. Like Ferguson, his days of active warfare were soon accomplished. In civilian life he worked at Mr J Turner’s sand quarry, until two years before joining up, when he was employed as a blacksmith’s striker at Manton Colliery. He had been several times previously rejected, on account of his health, but this improved after an operation and he joined as stated. It would seem he was made well only to die. He was much liked among a large circle of friends, and the news of his death was received with very great regret. An elder brother, Pte J Fletcher, Notts and Derbys, has been gassed and wounded, but is again in France, whilst a third brother, Horace, has been medically rejected. His parents have the sympathy of all, in their bereavement.
CWG additional information:- Son of Fred Fletcher, of 120, John St., Worksop.
Formerly 95060, Notts and Derby Regt
Buried in the Favreuil British Cemetery, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt