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This data is related to World War 1

James Slater

Service number 4216
Military unit 1/6th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 28 May 1916 (27 years old)
Place of birth Chesterfield Derbyshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

His family details are as yet unknown.

Although his army service record exists it has no details regarding his next of kin. All correspondence was sent to Mrs Charlotte Elizabeth Thompson of Kyme Locks, Chapel Hill, Dogdyke, Lincoln; James Slater had been her lodger for 2 years.

Military history

James Slater enlisted on 22nd March 1915 at Chesterfield. He gave his age as 26 yrs and his address as 28 Durrant Road, Chesterfield.

He served with the 1/6th battalion Sherwood Foresters Regiment and landed in France on 29th March 1916 with the 8th Reinforcement.

James was accidentally killed on 28th May 1916 during a training exercise. He is buried in Foncquevillers Military Cemetery (grave ref. 1.D.6).

Extra information

A court of enquiry was convened on 28th May 1916, its president was Major E Hall 6th battalion Sherwood Foresters. 'An unpleasant accident this morning. A live round got amongst dummy ones on a Lewis Gun being used for instruction. Killed one man and wounded another. I sat on the Board of Enquiry – no one to blame.' Lieutenant Josiah Taylor.
