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This data is related to World War 1

George Darwin

Service number 305636
Military unit 1/8th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 13 Sep 1917 (22 years old)
Place of birth Clayworth near Retford
Employment, education or hobbies

In 1911 George worked on a dairy farm.

Family history

George Oswald Darwin was born in 1895 at Clayworth he came from a family of 13 children. His parents were George a garden labourer and Mary Darwin, née Knight of Mill House, Clayworth.

His father George was born in 1859 at South Leverton, his mother Mary Knight was born in 1866 at Clayworth they married on the 5th February 1889 at Clayworth at St Peter’s Church and had their first child in 1891 and their last in 1910.

George senior spent his working life as an agricultural labourer and gardener in the 1911 census he and his family are living at Clayworth he is 52 yrs and a agricultural labourer, he is living with his wife Mary 45 yrs and their 10 children including George Oswald 15 yrs working on a dairy farm.

Military history

Private George Oswald Darwin enlisted at Retford, he served wit the 1/8th battalion Sherwood Foresters regiment, he went to France on 2nd March 1915 and was killed in action, 3rd September 1917, aged 22, during the German shelling of the British line near Cambrin, France. He is buried at: Cambrin Military Cemetery, France. Row L. Grave 14.

Extra information

Pte George Darwin Retford Times 28 Sept 1917

Notification has bee received by Mr and Mrs G Darwin of Mill House, Clayworth, that their eldest son, Pte George Darwin was killed on the night of Sept 12th “somewhere in France.” When the sad news became known in the village, where he was known by everybody, it cast quite a gloom over the whole parish. He was only 22 years of age and joined the Notts and Derby Regiment three years ago. He was of a quiet disposition and a general favourite all round. The last leave he had was five weeks ago, when he came home and looked a fine soldier. The following letter dated 18 Sept, has been received from the chaplain:- “I am most awfully sorry to write such bad news, but I trust you will bear it with Christian fortitude. An enemy trench mortar shell landed in the middle of one of our posts the other night and killed a great number of our men, of whom Pte George Darwin was one. It may comfort you to know whoever, to know that he cannot have suffered, and that our brave men who have given up their lives in this great cause are most surely kept safe in the arms of God until the day when we shall meet again.” Mrs Darwin also received a beautiful letter from Lieut Elly speaking most highly of the character of the deceased. His loss shall be felt keenly at Clayworth and the sympathy of all is extended to the bereaved parent and relatives.

Research by Colin Dannatt
