Frederick Thornhill
He was a labourer on enlistment.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
He was the son of Alice Thornhill (alias Collins). He married Millicent Adkin (d. of William Adkin & Emma Garton) at St. Helen’s, Stapleford on 26/7/1914. He lived at 43 Frederick Road, Stapleford. They had a daughter, Hilda Margaret Thornhill (b.12/1/1915). He was the husband of Millicent (née Adkin) Thornhill and the father of Joseph Walter and Hilda Margaret Thornhill of 43 Frederick Road Stapleford Nottinghamshire.
Thornhill's ASR survives. He enlisted at Ilkeston 14/6/1915 weighing 154 lbs and standing 5'10" tall. He was promoted Lance Corporal 10/9/1915, Corporal 9/10/1915 and Sergeant 3/9/1916.
He died of wounds on 10.10.1916 & is buried at Contay Cemetery, France.
Effects returned to his family were - disc, letters, photos, pipe, devotional book, two handkerchiefs, belt, bacca pipe, ear syringe, mirror, pocket knife, regimental buttons, watch chain, coin, three metal rings, whist playing cards.
30/4/1917 Millicent Thornhill was awarded a weekly pension of 25/5d for herself and two children.
Additional Research by David Nunn with thanks to Frederick Thornhill's grandson David Pearson who contributed to this page.