George Binnie Greig
He was a clerk at the Co-Op grocers.
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
George Binnie Greig was born in 1885 was the son of James and Elizabeth Greig née Dick of Falkirk.
James was born in 1851 Glasgow Elizabeth Dick was born in 1851 at Larbert, married on 26th June 1874 at Blackmill Parish Church, Labert, they had 7 children.
He married Mary Emma Bowker (born 13th March 1879 Brierfield Lancashire,) in 1909 at Burnley and was the father of Archie born January 1911, Ivan (December 1912) and Gladys (July 1914)
In 1911 they lived at 46 Northwood Street Stapleford Nottinghamshire he was 26 yrs and a clerk at Coop Grocers,
Mary Emma later lived at 115 Smith Street Nelson Lancashire and was awarded a pension of 26 shillings and 3 pence a week which commenced on 22nd October 1917
He enlisted at Beeston Nottingham
He formerly served as 32050 Lincolnshire Regiment and 52315 Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment).
Buried at Warlincourt Halte British Cemetery, Saulty, Pas de Calais, France.
Additional Research by David Nunn