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This data is related to World War 1

George Edwin Marples

Service number 17707
Military unit 2/4th battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 30 Jul 1916 (23 years old)
Place of birth Eckington, Derbyshire
Employment, education or hobbies

Had emigrated to America in 1913 but returned to fight. Was a coal miner.

Family history

George Edwin Marples (junior) was born in 1893 at Eckington he was the son of George Edwin (senior) a coal miner hewer and his first wife Elizabeth Ann Marples née Cross.

George Ewind (senior) was born in 1870 at Eckington, Elizabeth Ann Cross was born in 1872 at Eckington, she died in 1899 aged 27 yrs, they were married on 7th October 1889 at Eckington and went on to have 8 children.

His father remaried on 16th April 1900 at Eckington to Annie Atkins (born 1876 at Polesworth, Tamworth,) they went on to have a further 12 children, they lived at 129 Sherwood Street, Mansfield Woodhouse.

In 1911 the family were living at 129 Sherwood Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, George Edwin (senior) is 41 yrs and is a coal miner hewer, he is living with his second wife Annie 35 yrs and nine of his children including George Edwin (junior) 18 yrs a coal miner.

Military history

Lance Corporal George Edwin Marples enlisted at Mansfield, he served with the Royal Scots Fusiliers, landing in France on 26th July 1915 he was killed in action on 30th July 1916 he is buried at Guillemont Road Cemetery, Guillemont, Somme, France .

Extra information

