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This data is related to World War 2

William McIntosh

Service number 644566
Military unit 103 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death (19 years old)
Place of birth Dundee
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Son of George and Margaret McIntosh, of Dundee.

Military history

25/26 February 1941 Wellington T2621 103 Sqn. Take off from RAF Newton to bomb Dusseldorf.

Crashed in Germany, believed to have exploded in mid air and wreckage and crew fell into the River Rhine, probably direct flak hit.

Dusseldorf covered by cloud and bombing results was poor. 1 civilian injured fighting a fire, 2 Flak gunners slightly injured and a farm barn destroyed. 80 aircraft took part in the raid. T2621 the only loss.

Extra information



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