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This data is related to World War 2

George Henry Peat

Service number 2773350
Military unit 2nd Bn Grenadier Guards
Address Unknown
Date of birth 27 May 1916
Date of death 01 Jun 1940 (24 years old)
Place of birth 2 Portland Street, Mansfield Woodhouse.
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Son of William and Florence (Flora) Peat of Mansfield Woodhouse. In 1921 the family was living at 2 Portland Road, Mansfield Woodhouse.
Siblings: Edith (1910), Margaret (1912), Winifred (1914), Dorothy (1919) and William (1920).
George Henry was baptised at St Edmunds Church on 28th June 1916.
Married Elizabeth Cope in 1938 and they had a daughter Veronica, born in 1939

Military history

George died during the evacuation of Dunkirk. His name was included on missing soldiers circulated around prisoner of war camps in the aftermath of the evacuation to see if he had been captured.

Extra information

Remembered on the Dunkirk Memorial col 32.


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