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This data is related to World War 2

Stanley Broadhurst

Service number 550817
Military unit 35 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 10 Mar 1941 (20 years old)
Place of birth Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Son of William and Lucy Broadhurst of Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.
In 1921 the family were living at 8 Harcourt Street, Mansfield.
Sibling Elsie, Gertrude, Doris, Harold, George, Charles and Wilfred.
When Stanley died his home was recorded as 5 Meden Road, Mansfield Woodhouse. His married sister Gertrude was living at 3 Meden Road along with her brothers George and Wilfred their mother had died in 1925.

Military history

IBCC: Handley Page Halifax, serial No L9489.
Wireless Operator/Air Gunner.
They were shot down by RAF night fighter at Worplesdon, Surrey when returning from an air-raid over Le Herve. Only 2 survived. This was the first Halifax to be lost on operations.

Extra information

Mansfield Chronicle Advertiser: 21/3/1941: Sgt S Broadhurst of Mansfield Woodhouse. The death was reported on Tuesday of last week as the result of enemy action of Sgt Stanley Broadhurst , wireless operator/ airgunner, on active service with the RAF.
The home address of the deceased was 5 Meden Road, Mansfield Woodhouse and he was twenty years of age. The funeral took place on Monday at St Edmunds Church.
Six fellow air men were the bearers and a sergeant-major and buglar were also present.
He leaves 3 sisters and 6 brothers
The report in the local paper staes his death was due to enemy action but it was actually a result of friendly fire.


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