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This data is related to World War 2
Stoker 1st Class

George Kirk

Service number C/KX 105315
Military unit HMS Kelly Royal Navy
Address Unknown
Date of birth 01 Feb 1917
Date of death 23 May 1941 (24 years old)
Place of birth Middleton, Derbyshire
Employment, education or hobbies

In 1939 George was working has a Export Knitting Clerk for William Hollins & Co.
Notts Archives: DD 2091/4/2 G Kirk, RAF, Knitting Dept.

Family history

Son of Joseph and Ruth Kirk of 24 Cobden Place, Mansfield.
Joseph was a foreman in the card room for a wool/cotton spinner.

Military history

HMS Kelly : in 1941 ahe was based in Gibralter as part of the escort for the reinforcements going to Malta. On 23rd of May she was involved in the evacuation of the Allied Forces from Crete, when she was bombed and sunk by the Luftwafffe. Half her crew of 218 were killed.

Extra information

HMS Kelly had been captained by Louis Lord Mountbatten when it was stationed off Norway. The Noel Coward film, "In Which We Serve" was based on the story of HMS Kelly.


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