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This data is related to World War 2
Lance Sergeant

Kenneth Sam Bastick

Service number 903962
Military unit 150 (The South Notts Hussars) Field Regt Royal Artillery
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 19 May 1942 (28 years old)
Place of birth 26 Woodland Park Road, Newport, Monmouthshire
Employment, education or hobbies

Worked for William Hollins & Co as a charted accountant.
Notts Archives: DD 2091/4/2: K Bastick, South Notts Hussars, Accounts Dept.

Family history

Son of Sam and Ethelwyn Bastick of 26 Woodland Park Road, Newport. Sam died in 1938 and Ethelwyn in 1936. He had one sister Ethelwyn Mary born in 1910 and died 1994 who was unmarried.
Baptised on 4th September 1913 as Kenneth Sam Bastick.
In his will he lest £2482 8s 9d to Harry Arthur Harrison , accountant. Kenneth's home address was 24 St John's Road, Newport.

Military history


Extra information

Buried at Christchurch Cemetery, Newport


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