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This data is related to World War 2

Reginald Watson

Service number 2337096
Military unit Royal Defence Corps
Address 9Cornwell Avenue, Off Big Barn Lane, Mansfield
Date of birth 11 Apr 1917
Date of death 06 Sep 1942 (25 years old)
Place of birth 9 Jennison Street, Mansfield
Employment, education or hobbies

In 1939 Reggie was working as an electrician.

Family history

Son of Ernest and Jessie Watson of 85 little Barn Lane, Mansfield.
Siblings Bernard born 1914 and Vaugham born in 1931. Ernest worked as a gas fitter and Bernard was also an electrician.
In 1939 Reggie married Nora Allen and they lived at 8 Cornwell Avenue, Mansfield.
Reggie was an electrician and Nora worked at the hospital has a laundress.
They had a daughter, Miriam L, born in the summer of 1942, so she was at the most a few weeks old when Reggie died.

Military history


Extra information

On CWGC he is names as Reggie.


No photos