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This data is related to World War 2
Ordinary Seaman

Bernard Slack

Service number P/SSX 28984
Military unit HMS Esk Royal Navy
Address Unknown
Date of birth 02 Aug 1921
Date of death 01 Sep 1940 (19 years old)
Place of birth Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies

In 1939 Bernard had already enlisted and was at O/Tel Signal School.

Family history

Son of George Ernest and Mary Elizabeth Slack of 20 Hall Street, Mansfield.
Siblings; Aubrey (1915), William (1918), Roy (1925) John (1927) and Rosemary (1930).

Military history

HMS Esk: E class destroyer.
Was on mine-laying duties when she ran into a newly laid German minefield on the the 31st of August 1940. The Texel Disaster:involved HMS Express, HMS Ivanhoe, HMS Icarus, HMS Intrepid and HMS Esk laying miners of Texel Netherlands. HMS Express hit a mine, the Ivenhoe went to her assistant but also hit a mine as did HMS Esk. The Esk sank. In all over the 5 ships involved 300 men were killed and a further 100 were either injured or taken prisoner. 127 men from the Esk were killed.

Extra information



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