Bernard Slack
In 1939 Bernard had already enlisted and was at O/Tel Signal School.
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Son of George Ernest and Mary Elizabeth Slack of 20 Hall Street, Mansfield.
Siblings; Aubrey (1915), William (1918), Roy (1925) John (1927) and Rosemary (1930).
HMS Esk: E class destroyer.
Was on mine-laying duties when she ran into a newly laid German minefield on the the 31st of August 1940. The Texel Disaster:involved HMS Express, HMS Ivanhoe, HMS Icarus, HMS Intrepid and HMS Esk laying miners of Texel Netherlands. HMS Express hit a mine, the Ivenhoe went to her assistant but also hit a mine as did HMS Esk. The Esk sank. In all over the 5 ships involved 300 men were killed and a further 100 were either injured or taken prisoner. 127 men from the Esk were killed.
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