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This data is related to World War 2

George Samuel Coupe

Service number 101827
Military unit 6th Bn Royal Scots Fusiliers
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 26 Jun 1944 (35 years old)
Place of birth Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Eldest son of Samuel and Lily (Lilian) Coupe of 10 Rock Street, Mansfield.
Siblings: Arthur (1909), Lillian (1911), Elsie (1913) and Mabel (1915).
Married Hilda May Lawrence in 1928.
They had several children, Joan (1928), Colin (1930-1931), Derek (1932), Arthur (1933), Byron (1934), Joyce (1935) Rosemary (1936) Winifred (1940-1940) and George (1943).
In 1939 thet were living at 68 Maltby Avenue, Mansfield.

Military history

The Royal Scots Fusiliers took part in the battle for Normandy.

Extra information

Buried at St Manvieu War Cemetery Cheux, France plot VI. B.12


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