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This data is related to World War 2
Flight Lieutenant

Walter Michael Blom

Service number 40041
Military unit 150 Sqdn Royal Air Force
Address Unknown
Date of birth 06 Mar 1917
Date of death 27 Jul 1940 (23 years old)
Place of birth Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Son of Mrs W. M. Blom, of 42 St. Georges Terrace, Battery Point Tasmania, and the late Captain Blom.
Brother of Stoker Leslie Michael Blom (RAN) KIA: 20 November 1941 (HMAS Sydney).
Husband of Catharine Winifred Blom of Peterborough who also lost her brother P/O Ronald Henry Orton 26/6/1941.

Military history

Flight Lieutenant Blom graduated as a pilot from Point Cook in 1937 and was transferred from the RAAF to the RAF on a short-term commission and embarked for the UK on 20 July 1937.

DFC Citation: During May, 1940, this officer was detailed to lead a half section of aircraft in a low level bombing attack against an enemy motorised column of all arms advancing on a road in Luxemburg. Before reaching his objective a petrol tank was pierced by machine-gun fire and, although unable to locate his allotted target through being drenched and almost blinded by the escaping petrol, he pressed home his attack on another enemy column with considerable success. During this time the aircraft was subjected to very heavy fire from the ground and was repeatedly hit, receiving such damage as to render it beyond repair, but this did not prevent Flying Officer Blom from flying back to the base, a distance of 90 miles. He displayed outstanding courage and tenacity.

Battle L5528 150 Sqn. While being prepared for operations at RAF Newton a parachute flare ignited, despite efforts from F/O Blom, as the duty Flight Commander, he was leading the fire-fighting party endeavoring to extinguish the blaze an explosion occurred killing 6 and injuring 5 of which 1 died of his injuries the next day.

Extra information

Also killed;

Sgt William Franklin BEM - Son of Comdr. Cyril Prescott Franklin, D.S.O., R.N., and Florence
Marjorie Franklin, of Radlett, Hertfordshire. His brother John Michael also died on service.
Cpl Dennis Sharp - Husband of Nora of 21 Liddon Road, Acock's Green, Birmingham.
LAC Walter Cann - Son of Walter Ernest and Maria Elizabeth Cann, of Abbey Wood.
LAC George Hall - Son of Elizabeth Hall, of Kentish Town, London. His brother William Charles also died on service.
AC1 Frederick Stewart - Son of Robert and Rebecca Stewart, of Cookstown, Co. Tyrone, Northern Ireland.
