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This data is related to World War 2

Dennis Gordon Bingley

Service number 1211327
Military unit 158 Sqdn Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 15 Jul 1943 (21 years old)
Place of birth Unknown
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

Son of George and Annie Bingley of 13 Eakring Road, Mansfield.
He came from a large family. Two of his older brothers served in WW1. George served with the Sherwood Foresters and died on 20th June 1916. Percy died of pneumonia in Cahir Military Hospital in 1921.

Military history

IBCC: Handley Page Halifax II. Serial No HR752 marking NP-T
Wireless operator/air gunner
Operation Montbeliard: to attack the Peugeot factory near the Swiss border. 165 Halifax, 5 of which were lost.
Clear weather conditions and the target was only lightly defended but PFF marked 700 yards beyond the factory and as a result 80% of the bombs fell on the town and only 20% on the target.
Shot down by ABF110 night fighter near Secuenay, Dijon

Extra information

Buried at Saquenany Churchyard, France. grave 2.


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