Fred Robinson
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George Robinson and Martha Ann Richardson had married in Retford in 1882. Over their married life time the produced 11 children, William in 1883, George 1885, Mary 1887, John (Jack) 1889, Tom 1892, Fred 1894, Ernest 1900, Albert 1902, Bert 1904, Alice 1907 and, Minnie in 1911. The first four were born in Retford and subsequent seven born in Worksop after moving there around 1890. In 1901 the family were living at 94 Westgate. 1911 shows that Fred had left the family home, had joined the Yorkshire Light Infantry, living in barracks at Wakefield Road, Tanshelf, Yorks, As a trained soldier when the war started, he would probably have been in the first British Expeditionary Force to France.
Sergt. Fred Robinson Worksop Guardian 30 April 1915
News has been received in Worksop of the death of a local man at Hill 60. We refer to Sergt. Fred Robinson attached to the K.O.Y.L.I., son of Mr and Mrs George Robinson of 23 Trent Street, who met his death on April 18th. As previously announced in the “Guardian” Robinson was shot in the hand in the retreat from Mons, and when the convalescent returned to England and spent some little time in Worksop. When quite well, he was engaged for some time in training recruits at Hull. He set sail for France again on February 7th. He was a very popular young man. Among Mrs Robinson’s much cherished possessions are the bullet that wounded her son at Mons and Queen Mary’s gift to him. Mr and Mrs Robinson have another training at Retford. No official news has been communicated to Mr and Mrs Robinson, but they have had the following letter from their son’s “pal,” Sergt. G Barnacle; “I take this opportunity of telling you the unfortunate news of the death of your son, Fred, who was killed in a charge on the night of Sunday April 18th, about 6.15. I’m glad to say, however, he died a brave death. He did not suffer, dying in a few minutes. I can tell you, it’s a very big loss to me, as your son and I were old chums. We have been chums throughout the whole of the war, having been wounded together and in hospital together at Leicester. We also returned here (France) together. I sincerely express to you my very deep sympathy in your great loss, but we are in God’s hands. I got Fred’s belt and money and if you have no objection, I should like to keep the belt in remembrance of a brave chum. Do you mind? I have handed Fred’s money to our Regimental Sergt. Major, who says he will write you and forward the money. You will have to excuse the letter, as I don’t know how to put it together. Do you mind if I keep the belt?” Naturally Mrs Robinson has written to Sergt. Barnacle saying he could keep her son’s belt.
CWG additional information:- Son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson, of 23, Trent St., Worksop, Notts
Commemorated on the Ypres (Memin Gate) Memorial, Belgium.
Research by Colin Dannatt
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