Joseph Frederick Mallen
He was a coal miner
- Family History
- Military history
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- Photographs
Joseph Frederick was born in 1887 the son of James a general labourer and Esther Mallen née Kitson
James Mallen was born in 1850 at Brierley Hill, Esther Kitson was born in 1851 at Brierley Hill, they were married in 1869 their marriage was recorded in the Dudley registration district, they had 6 children, sadly 1 died in infancy or early childhood.
In 1911 Joseph was living at 23 Brownlow Road, Mansfield with his mother , he is shown as being 25 yrs and a coal miner hewer, his mother is 60 yrs of age and a charwoman, his father James in 1911 is living with his brother Thomas 57 yrs at Alma Terrace, Brierley Hill, Staffordshire, he is 62 yrs of age and a general labourer.
At the time of his death his next of kin is a friend, Annie Morley 28 Newcross Street, Sutton in Ashfield, his mother Esther Mallin was living at Ramsdrake Street, Mansfield.
Private James Frederick Mallen served as Frederick Mallen and was one of 'Kitchener's Marines' who were transferred from the Sherwood Foresters to the RMLI.
Des Turner notes '600 RMLI transfers came from 2 regiments - 200 from the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry (KOYLI) and 400 from the Sherwood Foresters. They were predominantly ex-miners and labourers, fit men wanted for their ability to dig trenches and tunnels. The 200 KOYLI recruits were transferred to Plymouth Division RMLI and were given service numbers PLY/1(S) to PLY200(S). This was also the case for the Sherwood Foresters 200 who were dispatched to Portsmouth where already 30 men were recruited and so they became PO/31(S) to PO/230(S). 200 remaining Foresters went to Chatham and were numbered CH/1 to CH/200(S).'
He is buried at Knightsbridge Cemetery, Mesnil-Martinsart, Somme, France.