Charles Ulyatt
1911 - packer (printer)
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NOTE: surname 'Ullyatt' 1871 Census, but subsequent census 'Ulyatt'. Marriage registrations and birth registrations 'Ulyatt'
Charles was the fourth son and youngest child of John and Ann Ulyatt (née Flower).
His father John Ulyatt was born in Lambley, Nottinghamshire, in about 1847, the son of John and Mary Ullyatt (sic). His mother Ann Flower was born in Calverton, Nottinghamshire, in 1848.
John and Ann were married at Nottingham St Mary on 13 April 1868 and had eleven children who were born between 1868 and 1894: Mary Ann, Joseph Alfred, Maria, George, John and Rosanna/Rosina who were born in Burton Joyce, Nottinghamshire, and Florrie/Flora, Lily, Eliza, Lavinia and Charles (birth registered 1894 J/F/M Basford) who were born in Carlton, Nottingham.
John and Ann and their daughter Mary Ann were living on Chapel Lane, Lambley, in 1871 but recorded on the 1881 Census in Burton Joyce and lived there until at least 1884, when Rosina was born. They were then were recorded on the 1891 and subsequent census at Carlton, Nottingham.
In 1901 John, a framework knitter, and Ann were living on Elm Avenue, Park Road, Carlton, with eight of their eleven children: Maria Ward (m. Alfred Ward 1893) a German wool seamer, George, a hosiery patent hand, John a lace dipper, Florrie a lace mender, Lily a hosiery machinist, Eliza an errand girl (hosiery factory) and Lavinia and Charles (7) who were still at school. Also in the household was Maria's son, Alfred Ward (3, b. Eastwood Nottinghamshire).
John snr. died in March 1908 and in 1911 his widow Ann was living at 92 Station Road, Carlton. In the home on the night of the census were Maria Ward a German wool seamer, Joseph an unemployed miller, George a dyer's assistant, John a lace dipper, Lily. Eliza and Lavinia who were all machinists (apron manufacturer), Charles a packer (printer) and Alfred Ward (13) a butcher's errand boy.
Ann Ulyatt died in 1932 (reg. J/F/M).
Bombardier Charles Ullyatt served with the 371st battery 132nd Brigade Royal Field Artillery.
He died of wounds at Albert, France, on 24th August 1916 and is buried in Puchevillers British Cemetery, France (grave ref. III.E.27).
He qualified for the British War Medal and Victory Medal.
CWGC - History of Puchevillers British Cemetery (extract): 'In June 1916, just before the opening of the Battles of the Somme, the 3rd and 44th Casualty Clearing Stations came to Puchevillers. Plots I to V, and almost the whole of Plot VI were made by those hospitals before the end of March 1917. For the next two months the 2nd/1st South Midland Casualty Clearing Station used the cemetery. Plot VII contains for the most part the graves of men who died in the German advance in 1918, many of whom were buried by the 49th Clearing Station in March 1918, or by the 48th Labour Group in August.' (www.cwgc.org)
Charles's cousin, Herbert Ullyatt (sic), the son of his father's younger brother, George, and his wife Mary Ann, served in the 2/8th Bn Sherwood Foresters (307476 Private) and was killed in action on 7 April 1917. (See record on this Roll of Honour)
CWGC headstone personal inscription: 'At rest with the unreturned brave from mother brothers and sisters'
CWGC: 'Son of Ann and the late Mr. Ulyatt, of Carlton, nr. Nottingham.'
CWGC: 'Age 21' Birth reg. 1894 (J/F/M) DOD Aug. 1916. Family notices aged 22.
Nottingham Evening Post, 29 August 1916: ‘Ulyatt. Died of wounds, August 24th, 1916, Bombr. C. Ulyatt, RFA, late of Carlton, aged 22 years. He bravely answered duty’s call, he gave his life for one and all, the unknown grave is the bitterest blow, none but aching hearts can know. Sorrowing mother, brothers and sisters.’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, 29 August 1916: ‘Ulyatt. Died of wounds, August 24th, 1916, Bombr. C. Ulyatt, RFA, late of Carlton, aged 22 years. He sleeps not in his native soil, but in a foreign land; too far away thy grave to see, but not too far to think of thee. Sorrowing fiancee [N Etches], mother, father, brother and sisters [fiancee’s family].’ (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
Nottingham Evening Post, 14 September 1919, photograph with caption: 'Bombd. C Ulyett (RFA), 92 Station Rd., Carlton, died of wounds Augst 24th, aged 22.' (www.britishnewspaperarchive.co.uk)
'In memoriam' notices, Nottingham Evening Post, 24th August 1917:
“ULYATT. – In loving memory of my beloved son, Bombardier C. Ulyatt, late of Carlton, died of wounds at Albert, August 24th, 1916. He marched away so bravely, his young head proudly held, his footsteps never faltered, his courage never failed. There on the field of battle he calmly took his place, he fought and died for England and the honour of his race. One year has passed, our hearts still sore, as time goes on we miss him more. Memory keeps our loved ones near, whom God claimed one year ago. R.I.P. – Silently mourned by mother, brother, and sisters.
“ULYATT. – In loving memory of Bombardier C. Ulyatt, late of Carlton, who died of wounds at Albert, August 24th, 1916. Friends may think I have forgotten him, when at times they see me smile, but little do they know the sorrow which that smile hides all the time. Ever in my thoughts. Peace, perfect peace. – His sorrowing fiancée, N. Etches.”
Above courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918
WW1 Pension Ledgers Index Cards: named his mother, Ann Ulyatt.