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This data is related to World War 1

Kenneth William Heaps

Service number 504524
Military unit Canadian Enginers
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death (22 years old)
Place of birth Clowne, Derbyshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

William Heaps of Clowne, Derbyshire married Catherine Limb on the 9 June 1896, and had 5 children. Their first two, Kenneth William born 27/3/1897, and Dorothy, 1899, were born in Clowne but Dorothy had died by 1901 when the family had moved to 36 Eastgate, Worksop. Catherine was managing the house on her own as her husband, William was completing his 9 years service in the Notts and Derbys Regiment. It was here that 3 more children were born, Hugh in 1904, Kathleen in 1906 and Robert in 1908. The family resided in Worksop from 1901 until the 2 April 1909 when the family left Liverpool on the ‘Virginian’ and emigrated to Canada. By 1911, they were living at Saskatchewan, Mackenzie, Railroad Ave. In 1916, Kenneth was attested on the 18th February to join the army, his expertise being a telegraph operator. Surprisingly Kenneth’s father, William, was also attested, 4 months later on the 24th June, and declared fit for service. William survived the ordeals of the war.

Military history

Pte. K. W. Heaps Worksop Guardian 19 October 1917
We regret to hear that Pte K. W. Heaps, Canadian Engineers, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Heaps, late of Bridge Terrace, Worksop, afterwards of Clowne, and who now reside at Hallboro’, Manitoba, Canada, has been killed in action. No doubt he will be remembered by many of our readers. As a lad he attended the Worksop Abbey Boys School, and sang in the choir in the old Church Mission room on Leadhill. He went to Canada with his parents and was a telegraph operator at Swan River, Manitoba, and was much liked, so we are told by his chum, Pte. G. H. Haige, 15th Canadians, himself a Worksop boy, by all the operators on the Canadian Northern Railway. When the call came for men came, young Heaps responded like so many more gallant Canadians. He enlisted in the Canadian Engineers at Winnipeg, and worked at Army Wireless Stations in France. He was thus engaged when the end came. We are very sure his parents and other relatives will have the sympathy of the town’s people. Pte. Haige is now at Bramshott Camp, Hants.

Extra information

Although there are details of Kenneth's Canadian attestation, no War Grave can be found from the CWGC or Canadian Soldiers of WW1.
Research by Colin Dannatt


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