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This data is related to World War 1

Joseph Bunyan

Service number 216375
Military unit 43rd Bn Canadian Infantry
Address Birtle, Manitoba, Canada
Date of birth 01 Oct 1898
Date of death 28 Mar 1918 (18 years old)
Place of birth Gosport, Hampshire
Employment, education or hobbies Unknown
Family history

William Charles Joseph Bunyan’s birth was registered at Alverstoke, Hampshire in 1900. His parents were Charles Joseph and Jane Ellen Bunyan, nee Heath, and his place of birth was Gosport. In the 1901 census at a year old, he was resident with his parents and 3 week old brother, Sampson, at 40 Marecroft, Worksop. His maternal grandparents, Sampson and Elizabeth Heath, also lived in Marecroft at number 53. By 1902, it is registered that brother Sampson had died whilst living with his parents in Southwark, London. His mother died in 1905 at the same place. It is unclear if William went with them to Southwark, but in 1911, for reasons unknown, he had been placed as a resident at the Abbeyhurst workhouse children’s home, Cheapside age 12, (recorded Joseph Bunyon). As stated in his Worksop Guardian obituary, he was taken to Canada for a new start in life. Whilst living at Birtle Manitoba he was attested and passed his medical as fit on the 22 Oct 1915 stating his birth as 1/10/1898 and giving his next of kin as Mr S Heath, grandfather, of 8 Vernon Street, Worksop, England. It was whilst in the army that he dropped the ‘William Charles’, and called himself plain ‘Joseph’ Bunyan

Military history

Pte. Joseph Bunyan Worksop Guardian 12 April 1918
Few lads of his age had seen more of the world than had Pte. Joseph Bunyan, of the 43rd, Canadians, grandson of Mrs. S. Heath, Vernon Street, Worksop, who was killed in action in the recent fighting. The deceased soldier was through circumstances, brought up at the Abbeyhurst Home, Worksop, and was one of three boys taken out to Canada by the late Mrs. Hutton. Bunyan found employment with a Canadian farmer, and was so engaged when the call came for men. He at once enlisted in the Winnipeg Grenadiers, and was afterwards transferred to the 43rd Canadians. He saw much fighting in France, and the poor lad was killed on March 28th. He would have been 19 in December next. The deceased was a soldier by descent; his grandfather was Recruiting Sergeant in Worksop, and on the staff of the 4th Sherwood’s. One of his uncles, Fred Heath, has fallen in the present war, and another Uncle is a prisoner of war, and a third has been wounded in Italy

Extra information

Buried at Beehive Cemetery, Willerval, France.
Research by Colin Dannatt
