John Marshall
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John Marshall was born in Maltby, Yorkshire in 1884, the son of John and Annie Marshall. He was the first born of 8 children. As an agricultural labourer, John Marshall and his family moved around the area for work, living in Maltby, Braithwell, Netherthorpe, Turnerwood and finally settling in Worksop around 1898. It was unfortunate that John, the family head died in Worksop aged 42 in 1899. The family were residing at 1 St Cuthbert Street, Worksop. In 1907, Annie, now head of the family, married John Maltby at Worksop and the following year, her son. John Marshall emigrated to Australia. When the world war came, he volunteered and joined the Australian army.
Pte. John Marshall Worksop Guardian 13 October 1916
There is something very pathetic in the circumstances attending the death of Pte. John Marshall, of the 5th Australians, eldest son of Mrs. Maltby, 13, Priorswell Road, which occurred during an operation at the 2nd Northern General Hospital, Leeds, yesterday week. The deceased soldier was 33 years of age, and six years ago he immigrated to Australia. During his sojourn there, he wrote several cheery letters to the “Worksop Guardian”., and it was no surprise to his many friends at home to learn that when the Australian Government called for volunteers to fight for the old Country, and in the case of all that is dear and sacred, “Happy Jack”, as Marshall was known by reason of his sunny disposition, sacrificed his rising prospects and enlisted in the Corps which made it’s name famous. It thus came about that Pte. Marshall took part in the desperate fighting at Gallipoli, where the valour of the Colonial troops acquired imperishable renown. He was wounded, but recovered in time to rejoin his regiment when it was drafted to France. Here again the Anzacs distinguished themselves by their bravery and enterprise, taking part in the great offensive, Pte. Marshall and a number of comrades were severely shelled by the Germans. Marshall was buried under the debris, and when extricated it was found that he had sustained internal injuries. He was invalided to England, and sent to the hospital mentioned at Leeds. An operation was decided upon, and before this took place, Pte. Marshall had the facility of spending a few days home renewing old acquaintances and seeing old friends. Although manifestly suffering, he was bright and sunny as ever, and the news that he had died under the operation came as a great shock to his mother, stepfather and other members of his family. The Chaplain of the Hospital, Rev. Edward C. Pigot, writes:-
“Dear Madam,-Will you please accept my sympathy in the loss you have sustained in the death of your son. The blow for you is very great, but if there had not been brave lads like your son to fight for us, we should have not kept the Germans back from our homes. May God comfort you and his father is the prayer of yours faithfully, Edward. C. Pigot (Chaplain).”
Mrs Maltby also received a letter of warm sympathy from nurse Pearson whose patient Marshal was, “It has been a great shock to all the nursing staff in the ‘F’ ward,” she says, “to hear that your son had passed away during the operation, and I felt it bitterly. I liked him so very much. He was a fine man, one of the right sort, and I cannot believe he will be with us no more when I remember how I was joking and teasing him this morning. It may be a little comfort for you to know that every care was taken and every remedy tried to save him, but it is very poor consolation to a mother who has lost her son. The ways of God are indeed strange, and we who nurse daily here, often wonder. God bless him. He is at peace now and may God help you to bear this terrible bereavement.”
The body was conveyed by the Military Authorities to Worksop and internment took place from his old home on Monday afternoon. The coffin, upon the plate of which was engraved the lines: ‘Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to Thy Cross I cling.’ ( the column continues with details of mourners and floral tributes at the funeral)
CWG additional information: Son of Annie Maltby (formerly Marshall), of 13, Prior Well Rd., Worksop, England, and the late John Marshall. Born in Yorkshire, England.- He volunteered from Valley Post, Queensland, Australia, died of disease in hospital in the UK and buried at his mother's town of residence at Retford Road Cemetery, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, United Kingdom.
Research by Colin Dannatt