Percy Brocklesby
He worked in the lace industry as a jacker off in 1901 and later as a brass bobbin presser.
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Percy was born in 1886 the son of Annie Brocklesby, an overlocker. In 1901 they lived at 39 Caroline Street St Ann’s Nottingham. He was the brother of Robert Ernest Brocklesby who was born in 1876 and worked as a lace industry presser. By 1911 Percy and his mother had moved to 41 Caroline Street.
Percy Brocklesby enlisted at Nottingham and served with 1st Battalion Dublin Fusiliers. He landed in Gallipoli on 15th August 1915 and died of exposure following a major storm the previous day at Sulva.
Helles Memorial Gallipoli Panel 192 to 197
In Memoriam notices published on 27th November 1916 in the Nottingham Evening Post :
‘BROCKLESBY. – In loving memory of Percy Brocklesby, died November 27th, 1915. We little thought when he left home his time was so near run; but oh, the Lord He called him, for his day's work was done. Silently mourned. – Ernest and Mary.’
‘BROCKLESBY. – In loving memory of Percy Brocklesby, who died in action November 27th, 1915. Sweet is the memory of one I loved. – Sorrowful fiancée Sally.’
In Memoriam notices courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918