John Henry Bailey
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- Military History
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He was the son of Henry and Susannah Bailey who in 1901 were living at 19 Bosworth Road, Meadows, with their three children, John (4), Ada (3), Mary A. (7 months).
By 1911 they were living at 1 Brookfield Place, Derwent Street, Nottingham. Susannah and Henry had been married for 15 years and had had eight children of whom only five were still living and were living at home: John (14), Ada (13), Grace (5), Mary (3), Charles (9m.). Henry Bailey was an iron moulder, working in an iron foundry.
The obituary notice in 1915 gives John Henry's address as 31 Bosworth Road, Meadows, although a Royal Marine record indicates that his mother was living at 41 Hawthorne Street, Meadows, when she was notified of her son's death, the same address as on the CWGC record.
Private John Henry Bailey, enlisted on 13th August 1914 and served with the Royal Marine Light infantry, Deal Battalion, Royal Naval Division.
He served at Dunkirk and the defence of Antwerp and left for the Mediterranean on 28th February 1915.
He was killed in action on 25th June 1915 at Galipoli and is buried in the Redoubt Cemetery, Cape Helles, where he is commemorated on a special memorial.
Probable identification of parents, Susannah and Henry Bailey, based on mother's details on CWGC and RM records for Pte JH Bailey RMLI.
Nottingham Evening Post obituary (abridged) 26 July 1915: 'Pte JH Bailey RMLI, 31 Burwood Road, Nottingham, killed in action June 25.'