William Charles Brown
- Family History
- Military History
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He was the son of Charles William and Ann Brown of 29 Private Yard Beeston Nottingham.
He was the husband of Florence Elizabeth Brown (née Sutton) and the father of William John Brown (died from bronchitis aged 5 months in 1914) [Brown's Army Service Record (ASR)].
Florence married Thomas Coulson in 1919 and lived at 24 Warkworth Street, Backworth, Newcastle on Tyne.
He enlisted 26/10/1908 in the Sherwood Forester's Territorial Force standing 5' 2" tall and weighing 108 lbs.
He was mobilised 28/5/1914, elected to continue in service for the duration of the war 17/9/1915 (signing the Imperial Service Obligation) and was posted to Gallipoli 18/9/1915. He was evacuated via Imbros 29/1/1916 disembarking at Alexandria 3/2/1916 (ASR).
He died of wounds probably received during fierce fighting to take Thiepval on the Somme. He is buried in Puchevillers British Cemetery (grave ref. IV.E.35).
CWGC incorrectly cites 'native of Sheffield'. He lived there but was born in Nottingham.
Personal effects returned to his widow were: cigarette case, knife, two notebooks, wallet, metal comb, news cuttings, religious medallion, letters and photos (ASR). She was awarded a weekly pension of 13/9d.
Imperial Service Obligation
The concept of the Territorial Force was for it to ensure home defence while a large part of the British regular army was deployed to Europe as an Expeditionary Force. On mobilisation in the event of war the units would form a central mobile striking force and coastal defence formations. The TF was mobilised for full-time war service immediately war was declared. This was known as being ‘embodied’. Men enlisting into the TF were not obliged by their terms to serve overseas, although they could agree to do so. When TF troops agreed to overseas service, they signed the ‘Imperial Service Obligation’. When war was declared, all TF troops received orders to mobilise. Some were sent to garrison duties at various points around the Empire, replacing the regular units that were required for service in France. When the Military Service Act was introduced in 1916, all men were deemed to have agreed to overseas service and thus all Second Line became available to be sent overseas. (Courtesy of The Long Long Trail - abridged)
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