William Green
He worked for the Boots Company Nottingham in their Analytical laboratory, Island Street. He played in the Boots band.
- Family History
- Military history
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William was born in 1895 in Sneinton and was the son of John a blacksmith farrier and Mary A. Green of 20 Paxton Street, Nottingham.
His father John was born in 1858 in Nottingham and his mother Mary Ann was born in 1866, also in Nottingham. They were married c.1889 and went on to have 8 children, all of whom were born Nottingham. Their children were:- Albert b1890, Ada b1892, Elizabeth b1894, William b1895, Harry b1899, Jack b1901, Ernest b1903 and Arthur b1910.
In the 1911 census the family are living at 20 Paxton Gardens, Nottingham, and are shown as:-
John 53 yrs head of the family, an out of work farrier he is living with his wife Mary Ann 45 yrs and their children:- Albert 21 yrs a warehouse man (druggist), Ada 19 yrs a curtain folder, Elizabeth 17 yrs a pattern girl, William 16 yrs a warehouse man (druggist), Harry 12 yrs an errand boy and scholar, Jack an errand boy and scholar, Ernest 8 yrs and Arthur 10 months of age.
Private William Green enlisted in Nottingham and served with the 1/7th battalion (Robin Hoods) Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment ). He landed in France and joined the British Expeditionary Force on 29th June 1915. He was killed in action by an enemy sniper on 6th September 1915 and is buried in Hedge Row Trench Cemetery.
Boots 'Comrades in Khaki' May & June 1915, 'By the Way'; 'In harmony with the above observation [referring to the girls' singing classes] it may be remarked that as these lines are being penned the sound of music is issuing from the Band Room. Band practices are held each Monday and Wednesday for the seniors, and of Fridays for the juniors. The instrumentalists continue to give an excellent account of themselves despite the depletion of their ranks by the enlistment of no less than 15 members viz: [list includes W Green].' (Nottinghamshire Archives, RB.38)
Boots 'Comrades in Khaki' magazine dated November 1915 has an article which reads:- " Reports of the death of William Green at St Elois on September 6th have long been so persistent and circumstantial as to leave little doubt respecting the sad truth and now official corroboration has been issued. It would seem that an enemy aeroplane was hovering over the British lines and that while marking this Private Green was fatally shot by a German Sniper. William Green a youth of 20 had prior to his enlistment achieved a high reputation amongst his colleagues at the Analytical laboratory, Island Street, and also in Nottingham athletic circles. Standing a full inch over six feet he was a strong active physique and like his brother Albert (who is still at Boots ) was a notable swimmer. He was a member of the Boots swimming and water polo clubs, he had obtained the medallion of the life saving society and had engaged in team races and water polo in the ASA midland counties championships. Further his prowess at Boots miniature rifle range and membership of Boots Plaisaunce Band had brought him to prominence."
In memoriam published 6th September 1916 in the Nottingham Evening Post :-
“GREEN. – In loving memory of Pte. Wm. Green, Robin Hoods, of 20, Paxton-street, killed in action September 6th, 1915. Ever in our thoughts. – From sorrowing mother, father, brothers, and sisters.”
Above is courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918
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