Herbert Edwin Draper
1911 - working in his father's business (hay and corn merchant).
- Family History
- Military history
- Extra information
- Photographs
Herbert Edwin was the younger son of John and Minnie Draper (née Marsden).
His father John was born in Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, in 1862. His mother Minnie was born in 1865 in Hawksworth, Nottinghamshire, the daughter of Thomas and Jane Marsden. His mother Minnie was one of at least four daughters, her sisters being Sarah (b. abt 1858), Jemima and Matilda. Her parents were living in Chelsea, London, in 1861 where her father was a police constable, but by 1871 her widowed mother and three of her daughters, including Minnie, were living in Thoroton, Nottinghamshire.
John and Minnie were married at Nottingham St Saviour in July 1883 and had five children, the youngest of whom died in childhood: Alma Maud b. Thoroton 1884 and Henry Archer b. 1886, Hilda Nation b. 1892 (reg. 1893), Herbert Edwin birth registered 1896 (J/F/M) and Ivy Laura b. 1901 d. 1904 (reg. J/F/M) who were all born in Nottingham.
John, a railway labourer, Minnie and their children Alma and Henry were living on Kings Meadow Road, Meadows, Nottingham, in 1891. By 1901 the family had moved to 1 Essex Street: Alma was a pupil teacher, Henry a moulder at an iron foundry and Hilda and Herbert were both of school age. The youngest child, Ivy, was born later that year but died in 1904.
By 1911 John was working as a hay and corn merchant on his own account and he and Minnie had moved to 120 Wilford Road. Their four children were still living at home: Alma an elementary school teacher, Henry an iron moulder, Hilda a student elementary school teacher and Herbert who was assisting in his father's business.
John and Minnie were still living at 120 Wilford Road when Herbert was killed in 1918, but later moved to Stratford House, 40 Main Road, Wilford.
John died in April 1939 and his widow Minnie and unmarried daughter Alma, were recorded at 40 Main Road when the England & Wales Register was compiled later that year. Minnie died at Stratford House in 1953. Alma, Henry and Hilda survived her.
Formerly 5035 (Corporal) Northumberland Fusiliers.
Herbert was killed in action on 20 July 1918 (death presumed on that date). He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Soissons Memorial, France.
He qualified for the British War Medal and Victory Medal.
CWGC - History of the Soissons Memorial (extract): 'The original British Expeditionary Force crossed the Aisne in August 1914 a few kilometres west of Soissons, and re-crossed it in September a few kilometres east. For the next three and a half years, this part of the front was held by French forces and the city remained within the range of German artillery. At the end of April 1918, five divisions of Commonwealth forces (IX Corps) were posted to the French 6th Army in this sector to rest and refit following the German offensives on the Somme and Lys. Here, at the end of May, they found themselves facing the overwhelming German attack which, despite fierce opposition, pushed the Allies back across the Aisne to the Marne. Having suffered 15,000 fatal casualties, IX Corps was withdrawn from this front in early July, but was replaced by XXII Corps, who took part in the Allied counter attack that had driven back the Germans by early August and recovered the lost ground. The Soissons Memorial commemorates almost 4,000 officers and men of the United Kingdom forces who died during the Battles of the Aisne and the Marne in 1918 and who have no known grave.' (www.cwgc.org)
CWGC additional information: 'Son of John and Minnie Draper, of Stratford House, Wilford, Nottingham.'
Registers of Soldiers' Effects: his mother Minnie Draper was his legatee.
Probate: Draper Herbert Edwin of 120 Wilford-road, Nottingham, corporal HM Army, died on or since 20 July 1918 in France. Administration Nottingham 14 October to John Draper [father], hay and corn merchant. Effects £103 9s 5d.
Headstone, St Helena churchyard, Thoroton: 'In loving memory of Sarah Marsden, died July 3rd 1944 aged 86. Also, Herbert Draper, made the supreme sacrifice in France, July 21st (sic) 1918, aged 22.' Note: Sarah Marsden was probably Herbert's aunt.