Albert Owen Benson
- Family History
- Military History
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Albert Owen Benson was born in 1897 he was the son of Owen a fish salesman and Annie Benson née Thorpe of 74 Gordon Road, Nottingham
Owen was born in 1866 at Nottingham, Annie Thorpe was born in 1868 at Nottingham, they were married in 1886 at Nottingham , they had 3 children, sadly 1 died in infancy or early childhood, his sister Florence was born in 1888 also in Nottingham.
In 1911 the family were living at 74 Gordon Road, Nottingham Owen is 45 yrs and is a fish salesman, he is living with his wife Annie 47 yrs and their son Albert 14 yrs, he is an errand boy.
Pte. Benson had one sister; Florence, born in 1889 in Nottingham.
Private Albert Owen Benson was called up for service at Nottingham and following training was drafted to France. He was killed in action during the capture of the village of Lechelle, South East of Bapaume, on 19/09/1918 as the British army pushed the Germans back. He was buried at Five Points Cemetery, Lechelle.
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