Claude William Breward
In 1911 he was a barman.
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Claude William was born in 1889 the son of Henry and Lucy Breward (nee Chapman). Lucy was born in Lowdham in 1861, and christened in Lowdham on Christmas Day 1861. She and Henry were married in Lowdham on 24 December 1879. Lucy died aged 48 in 1910 (death registered Apr/May/Jun). In 1911, Henry completed the census return with the information that he and his wife had nine children who were all living at the time of the census: Mary, Arthur, Cissie, Horace, Claude, Lucy, Sydney, Bessie and Albert Percy Breward. In 1881 shortly after their marriage, Henry, who was employed as a groom, was living at 3 Norton Place, Nottingham, with his wife and their daughter Mary (4 months). Ten years later they were living at 35 Mount Street, New Basford, and five children were named on the census; Maggie (Mary) (11), Arthur (9), Cissie (7), Horace (4) and Claude (2). By 1901 the family was living at 8 Monsall Street, New Basford; there were eight children in the household, Arthur, Cissie, Horace, Claude, Lucy (10), Sydney (8), Bessie (6) and Albert Percy (3). There was also a boarder, Ellen Chambers (19) living with the family. Henry was now employed as a general carter. In 1911 Henry, now a widower, was living at 5 Chelsea Street, Basford, with his children Sidney, Elizabeth and Albert Percy as well as his eldest son, Arthur, and his wife, Nellie, and their three daughters, Lucy (8), Nellie (7) and Hilda (4) (another child had died during their 8 years marriage). Claude, however, was living at 9 Chard Terrace, Chard Street, Basford, with his sister, Lucy; he was described on the census as the head of household. Claude married Fanny Prince in 1911 (marriage registered Apr/May/June). They had at least three children, Frederick C (birth registered Apr/May/June 1912), Frank W (birth registered Jul/Aug/Sep 1914, death registered in the same period) and Gladys M. (birth registered Oct/Nov/Dec 1915). At the time of Claude's death the family was living at 10 Gordon Grove, Basford. Claude's father, Henry, died in March 1921 aged 62.
1st Bn Wiltshire Regiment. Claude served in France from 25 July 1915. He died of wounds received in action in Leicester Military Hospital and is buried in Northern (Basford) Cemetery (grave ref. 0.8.20). He qualified for the 1915 Star, British War Medal and Victory Medal.
Nottingham Evening Post notice (abridged), 1 January 1919: ‘Breward. On December 28th at Leicester Military Hospital, died of wounds, Private CW Breward, husband of Fanny Breward, 10 Gordon Grove, New Basford. Internment Basford Cemetery.
Soldiers' Effects: His wife, Fanny, was his sole legatee.
Rachel Farrand