Robert George Wade
- Family History
- Military history
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Father: Tom Wade, born in 1870 at Hull, working as a bricklayer's labourer. Mother: Annie Amelia Wade, born in 1875 in Nottingham. Sister: Clarissa May, born in 1890 in Nottingham. The family lived at 16 Mellon Terrace, Raleigh Street, Nottingham before moving to 53 Wilford Road, Meadows, Nottingham.
Pte. Wade volunteered for service and following training he was drafted to France, arriving with the battalion on 25/02/1915. The battalion took parting the Battle of the Somme. Their task was to secure the village of Gommecourt. The British artillery had been pounding the German lines for a week, so it was believed that the task of capturing the German positions would be relatively easy. At 7.30 a.m. four waves of men rose from their trenches and began to cross No Man's Land. The Germans had not been subdued and very quickly artillery shells and machine gun fire was hitting the advancing battalion. Great gaps were torn in the lines, but the men continued to move forward. It was not long before there were no officers left standing, but the lines did not waver. At seventy yards it was evident that the wire had not been sufficiently cut and that the task was hopeless, but still the men went on. Over two dozen got into the German front line, but with dwindling numbers and ammunition they were forced back into the shell holes in No Man's Land where they waited for night. At roll call only 96 men were left to answer their names. Pte. Wade was wounded in the attack and was sent down the line to hospital at Le Treport. There he died on 15/07/1916 and was buried at Mont Huon Military Cemetery.
In memoriam published 16th July 1917 in the Nottingham Evening Post :-
“WADE. – In loving memory of my dear son, Private Robert Wade, Sherwood Foresters, who died July 15th, 1916. Too fondly remembered to be forgotten. – Mother and sister.
“WADE. – In loving memory of my dear nephew, Private Robert Wade, Sherwood Foresters, who died July 15th, 1916. Fondly loved by all who knew him. – Aunty Sarah, and uncle George (in France).”
Above in memoriam are courtesy of Jim Grundy and his facebook pages Small Town Great War Hucknall 1914-1918.
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