William Benjamin Lawlor
He was a labourer when he joined the Royal Navy in March 1900
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He married Ethel Cottam in Nottingham in 1907 (marriage registered Jul/Aug/Sep) and their son, Francis, was born in 1915 (registered Apr/May/Jun). They lived at 75 Gordon Road Nottingham.
When the RN notified his widow, Ethel, of her husband's death her address was given on RN records as 77 St James' Road, Southsea (Portsmouth).
He joined the Royal Navy on 10 March 1900 on a 12 year engagement which he extended voluntarily on completion of his engagement on 10 March 1912. He was promoted Chief Stoker on 2 April 1915.
Ships and shore establishments: Pembroke II, 10 March 1900-4 October 1900 Stoker 2nd Class); HMS Repulse, 5 October 1900-1 February 1901; Pembroke II, 2 February 1901-20 May 1901; HMS Pegasus, 21 May 1901-22 September 1902 (Stoker, 1 January 1902); Pembroke II, 23 September 1902-29 January 1906; HMS Ramilles (30 January 1906-5 November 1906 (Stoker PO 2nd Class, 1 July 1906); HMS Africa, 6 November 1906-15 February 1909 (Stoker PO, 9 April 1908), Pembroke II, 16 February 1909-12 March 1909; HMS Merlin, 13 March 1909-23 April 1911; HMS Pelorus, 24 April 1911-14 July 1911; Victory II, 15 July 1911-26 July 1911; Pembroke II, 27 July 1911-26 September 1911; HMS Endymion, 27 September 1911-25 June 1912; HMS Jupiter, 26 June 1912-8 January 1913; Pembroke II, 9 January 1913-23 January 1913; HMS Juno, 24 January 1913-30 June 1913; HMS Lord Nelson, 1 July 1913-29 July1914 (Acting Chief Stoker, 2 April 1914); Pembroke II, 30 July 1914-30 April 1915 (Chief Stoker 2 April 1915); Victory II, 1 May 1915-17 June 1916.
His last ship, HMS Eden, was lost following a collision in the English Channel with HM Transport France. His service record is marked 'DD [Discharged Dead] Lost in HMS Eden on 17 June 1916.' His body was not recovered for burial and he is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial.
HMS Eden sank on the night of 18 June 1916 after a collision with the transport SS France in the English Channel. She sank with the loss of her commander, Lieutenant A.C.N. Farquhar, and 42 officers and men while 33 officers and men were rescued by SS France. The wreck lies in 34 m (112 ft) in the waters near Fécamp.
ADM 1/8463/179 Collision of HMS EDEN with HM Transport FRANCE on 17 June 1916. Court Martial of survivors.
Nottingham Evening Post notice (abridged), 25 July 1916: 'Chief Stoker WB Lawlor, 75 Gordon Road, Nottingham, lost with HMS Eden, June 17th, age 34 years.'
Nottingham Evening Post notice (abridged), 30 June 1916: 'Lawlor. On June 17th 1916, lost with HMS Eden, WB Lawlor, husband of Ethel Lawlor, 3 Gordon Road. Wife and baby.'