Gideon Corbett
He was a coal miner
- Family History
- Military history
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Gideon Corbett was born in 1890 he was the son of Noah a coal miner hewer and Helen (Ellen) Corbett née Bacon of 104 Yorke Street, Mansfield Woodhouse.
Noah was born in 1863, Ellen Bacon was born in 1864 both were born in Dawley Green, Shropshire, they were married on 23rd July 1883 at Tibshelf , they went on to have 12 children sadly 2 died in infancy or early childhood.
In 1911 the family lived at 13 King Street, Mansfield Woodhouse, Noah is 48 yrs a coal miner hewer, he is living with his wife Ellen 47 yrs and 9 of their children including Gideon 20 yrs a coal miner
Gideon married Lucy Anthony in 1913 at Mansfield, they lived at 4 Rooth Street, Manssfield
Commencing 7th January 1918 his widow was awarded a pension of 13 shillings and 9 pence a week.
Lucy later married Walter Leivers in 1921 and lived at 39 Deeming Street, Meadows, Nottingham.
Private Gideon Corbett enlisted at Mansfield , he was killed in action, 27th April 1917, aged 27, during the attack at Hargicourt, France.
Commemorated: Thiepval Memorial, France. Pier and Face 10 C 10 D and 11 A.
Mansfield Chronicle Advertiser: 20/05/1915: Photograph printed. 07/03/1918: Pte G Corbett of Sherwood Foresters had been reported wounded and missing since 27/04/1917 now confirmed killed.
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