William Day
Pony driver, underground in 1911 when he was 13 years old
- Family History
- Military history
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Parents: William and MAry Ann Day of 288 Devonshire Street, New Houghton.
On 29 August 1918 William Day was shot in the leg and abdomen when the battalion attacked Flers and Gueudecourt, he was treated at No 3 Casualty Clearing Station which was based at Gezaincourt between March and September 1918. He was buried at Bagneux British Cemetery at Gezaincourt having died of wounds on 30th August. .
The 10th Battalion Notts and Derby Regiment (Sherwood Foresters) had been fighting in the second Battle of Bapaume 1918 at the time. William had gone to France as part of a draft of conscripted reinforcements on 14th August 1918 and was at "K" Infantry Base depot when he was posted to the 10th Battalion. .
He had been initially called up on 5th March 1916 but continued to work as a miner before being conscripted after a medical exam at Chesterfield on 11 April 1918. He joined the regiment at Derby on 22nd April 1918.
Headstone Inscription: " He died that we may live".
This man is commemorated in a book of remembrance held by Mansfield District Council.