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This data is related to World War 1

John Harold Slack

Service number 18474
Military unit 12th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment)
Address Unknown
Date of birth
Date of death 16 Oct 1916 (24 years old)
Place of birth Creswell Derbyshire
Employment, education or hobbies

1911 - coal miner

Family history

John Harold was the son of Herbert and Mary Slack (née Freeman).

Herbert (24) and Mary (22), who were both living in Creswell, Derbyshire, were married at Elmton parish church in July 1889. According to the 1911 Census they had had nine children who were all still living, but only eight children have been traced on the census of 1901 and 1911 (family not traced on the 1891 Census): George Ernest, John Harold birth registered 1892 (J/F/M), Florrie, Mabel, Gladys, William Herbert, Louie and Thomas Allen who were born between 1889 and 1907.

Herbert and Mary's first two children were born in Creswell, Derbyshire, but the family was living in Mansfield by 1901 where their other six children were born. In 1901 they were recorded on the 1901 Census and at 29 Gladstone Street by 1911 when all eight children were still living with their parents. Herbert and his two eldest sons were coal miner hewers while the two eldest daughters were working in a hosiery factory.

John Harold married Tressie (or Tressy) Hurst in 1912. Tressie was born in Mansfield in 1893, the daughter of Alfred and Jane Hurst.

John and Tressie had three children who were born in Mansfield: Marjory b. 1912, Graham Harold b. 1913 and Tressy birth registered 1915 (J/F/M). The family lived at 31 Gladstone Street, Mansfield.

The War Pensions record named his widow, her three children and also a guardian, Mary Slack, who was John's mother.

John's widow married Percy Briggs in 1920 and they had a daughter, Joyce, the following year. Percy, his wife, her three children and their daughter were recorded in Mansfield on the 1921 Census (full transcript not sighted). Tressie Briggs died aged 29 in 1923 (reg. J/F/M).

In 1939 when the England and Wales Register was compiled, Marjory was living with her paternal grandparents, Herbert and Mary Slack, at 29 Gladstone Street, Mansfield. Graham (d. 1943) has not yet been traced on the 1939 Register but the probate record gave his address as 29 Gladstone Street. Tressie had married Gilbert Hoskins in 1937 (reg. Hitchen Herts) and in 1939 they were living in Letchworth, Hertfordshire.
Graham enlisted in the Sherwood Foresters and was captured at the fall of Singapore and died as a Japenese prisoner war on 14/10/1943.

Military history

12th Bn Sherwood Foresters (Notts & Derby Regiment), attached 'A' Company, 11th Bn Leicestershire Regiment. He was probably substantive lance-corporal, acting corporal, at the time of his death.

The 12th (Service) Battalion Sherwood Foresters was raised at Derby in 1914 as part of Kitchener's Third New Army (24th Division). It was converted to a Pioneer Battalion in April 1915 and served in France from August 1915. The 11th (Service) Battalion Leicestershire Regiment, was raised in Leicester in October 1915 and landed in France in March 1916. It came under orders of 6th Division as a Pioneer Battalion in April the same year.

John Harold served with the BEF France. He died from wounds received in action (compound fracture right femur) at No. 34 Casualty Clearing Station on 16 October 1916, the same day he was admitted. He was buried in Grove Town Cemetery, Meaulte, France. (grave ref. I.N.3). A memorial service was held at Mansfield St Lawrence in November 1916.

According to the details on the Armed Forces Soldiers' Medical Records, John had served for about 23 months, 12 months in theatre ie. from approx. October 1915.

CWGC - History of Grove Town Cemetery (extract): The village of Meaulte is a short distance from the town of Albert. 'In September 1916, the 34th and 2/2nd London Casualty Clearing Stations were established at this point, known to the troops as Grove Town, to deal with casualties from the Somme battlefields. They were moved in April 1917 and, except for a few burials in August and September 1918, the cemetery was closed.' (

Extra information

CWGC 2221551. John and Tressie's only son, Graham Harold Slack, served with the 1/5th Bn Sherwood Foresters (4976926 Private) in the Second World War. He was with the Expeditionary Force Malaya and initially reported missing on 15 February 1942. However, he had been taken prisoner of war by the Japanese and was held at the Taiwan Prisoner of War Camp. Graham died on 14 October 1943 and is buried in Sai Wan Cemetery, Chai Wan, Hong Kong Island. History of Sai Wan Cemetery (extract): ‘Most of those buried in this cemetery were killed at this time [prior to and after Christmas Day 1941 when the Hong Kong Garrison was forced to surrender], or died later as internees or prisoners of war during the Japanese occupation. The remains of those who died as prisoners in Formosa (now Taiwan), the Philippines and mainland China were also brought to Sai Wan for burial after the war.’ (

Probate: Slack Graham Harold of 29 Gladstone-street Mansfield Nottinghamshire died 14 October 1943 on war service Administration Lincoln 20 November to Margery Slack spinster [sister]. Effects £140 5s. 6d.

Corporal John Harold Slack is commemorated in a Book of Remembrance held by Mansfield District Council.

CWGC Additional information: 'Husband of Tressie Slack, of 31, Gladstone St., Mansfield, Nottinghamshire.'

CWGC headstone personal inscription: 'He was one of God's best'

Mansfield Reporter, 24 November 1916: ‘Memorial Service. On Sunday evening a memorial service at the close of evensong was held at St Lawrence’s Church, to Private J Walker RAMC, Birkland-street, Corporal JH Slack, Gladstone-street, 11th Leicesters, and Private E Renshaw, Newgate-lane, 16th Sherwoods. The Rev. J Lowndes took the service, and Mr H Davis was at the organ and played the Dead March in ‘Saul.’ (

WW1 Pension Ledgers: named his widow Tressie Slack, a guardian Mary Slack and children Marjory, Graham Harold and Tressy; residence Mansfield.
