Tom Harry Blasdale
In 1891 he was a lace threader.
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He was the son of Harry and Clara Matilda Blasdale.
Harry was born in Nottingham (abt. 1858) and Clara in Warwickshire (abt. 1859). They were to have three children of whom only two were still living at the time of the 1911 census; it is likely that their third child died in infancy.
Harry and Clara were married by 1881 as at the time of the census Harry (23) was described as 'married' and was listed in the household of his mother's second husband, Thomas Bedward, at 10 Leen Side, Nottingham. Neither his mother, Silvivy Bedward, who had married Thomas Bedward in 1870, nor his wife and children Tom and Silvivy, were there on the night of the census.
In 1891 Harry and Clara were living at 36 Raglan Street, Nottingham; both Harry nd Clara were working in the lace trade. Tom (15) was working as a lace threader.
By 1901 they had moved to 3 Enoch Terrace, Nottingham; both were lace makers working from home. Neither of their children were at home on the night of the census although a nephew, Albert Brown (10, b. Northampton), was in the household. Their daughter, Silvivy (23) was a domestic help and living with her grandparents, Thomas Bedward (79), a cordwainer, and Silvivy Bedward (formerly Blasdale nee Myatt), a lodging house keeper, at 59 Drummond Road, Skegness.
In 1911 Harry and Clara together with their daughter, who was now working as a blouse machinist, were living at 22 Brighton Street, Peas Hill Road, Nottingham. The family was still living at the same address when Tom was killed in 1915. The CWGC record names only Tom's father and gives his father's address as 34 Dame Agnes Street, Nottingham.
Tom has not yet been traced on either the 1901 or 1911 census but as he served in the RNR during the war it is possible that he had joined the Merchant Navy.
Clara Blasdale died in 1921 aged 62 and Harry Blasdale in 1936 aged 78.
Royal Naval Reserve HMPMS Lady Ismay. HMPMS Lady Ismay was a paddle steamer, launched in 1911 and requisitioned by the Admiralty in November 1914 as an auxiliary minesweeper. She was sunk off Longsands in the Thames on 21 December 1915 by a mine laid by German submarine UC.3 a few days earlier on 17 December 1915. Tom's body was not recovered for burial and he is commemorated on the Chatham Naval Memorial
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