Albert Young Hutchinson
He was a regular soldier who served from 1892 including service with the 11th Hussars in the South African Wars. He joined Boots on leaving the army in 1902 and was in charge of the Goods Inwards Department at Boots' London Drug Warehouse at 80 Borough Road, SE.
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- Military history
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- Photographs
Albert Young Hutchinson was born in 1875 in London.
In 1911 he was living on his own at 24 Tasman Rad, Stockwell, London, he is 36 yrs and a goods receiving clerk.
11th (Prince Albert's Own) Hussars.
Albert was a regular soldier who served from 1892 with the 17th Lancers (B Squadron) before transferring to the 11th Hussars in 1897. He served with the Hussars in India, Egypt (appointed to the Military Mounted Police) and then South Africa, leaving in 1902.
He rejoined the 11th Hussars on the outbreak of war on 28th August 1914, and was sent with the BEF to Belgium on 7th October 1914. He was killed by a shell while cutting barbed wire in a retirement wood at Landvoodre. He has no known grave and is commemorated on the Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial.
Boots ‘Comrades in Khaki’ May & June 1915. Dead on the Field of Honour (photograph). ‘AY Hutchinson, a notice of whose death appeared in last month’s magazine, was formerly in charge of the Goods Inwards Department at our London Drug Warehouse, 80 Borough Road, SE, which post he occupied for eight years, after three years previous service with the firm. He is greatly missed by the warehouse staff for his cheerful disposition and friendly nature had made him a general favourite. Private Hutchinson enlisted in the 17th Lancers at Hounslow, in 1892 when he was 17 years of age and joined ‘B’ Squadron under HSH Prince Adolphus of Teck, now the Duke of Teck. In May 1897, when leaving the regiment at York, he transferred to the 11th Hussars to go on foreign service with the draft leaving England for India in September 1897. On the outbreak of the Boer war, the 11th Hussars were moved from India to Cairo (Egypt) and he was appointed to the Military Mounted Police. About the 20th of February 1901 he was drafted from Cairo to Cape town, and on the route he stayed for fourteen days at Gibraltar. On reaching South Africa he served under Colonel Remington in the guerrilla warfare against De Wet. When peace was declared he returned home in August 1902 having serviced nearly 10 years with the colours, and received a medal with five bars. On the formation of the National Reserve he joined the Lambeth Battalion and on the outbreak of the present war re-enlisted in his old regiment, the 11th Hussars. He left for the front on October 6th and was known to be in Bruges on October 9th, where he was attached to the Royal Horse Guards (Blues). On October 24th while cutting barbed wire in a retirement wood at Landvoodre he was hit in the chest by a shell and instantly killed. He was one whose manliness procured him friends, and these now mourn the loss of a valued comrade.’ (Nottinghamshire Archives, RB.38)