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This data is related to World War 1

Arthur Wilson Greenwood

Service Number 91198
Military Unit 22nd Bn Durham Light Infantry
Date of birth
Date of Death 26 Apr 1918 (19 years old)
Place of Birth Todmorden Yorkshire
Employment, Education or Hobbies He worked for Boots Co. His Army Service Record gave his occupation as 'Chemist (-)' but the entry in brackets is illegible.
Family History

Arthur Wilson was the only son of Wilfred and Ada Greendale (née Gregson).

His father was born in Todmorden in 1878 and his mother in Queensbury, Yorkshire, in about 1878. They were married in 1897 (reg. Todmorden) and had two children, Elsie b. 1898 and Arthur Wilson b. 1899 (A/M/J).

In 1901 Wilfred, Ada and their two children were living at Cross Stone, St Paul, Todmorden.

Wilfred died the following year aged 24 and was buried in Christ Church churchyard, Todmorden, on 8 March.

By 1911 his widow and two children were living at 10 Upper Raglan Street, Todmorden. Arthur (12) was still at school but his sister was a sewing machinist (tailoring) as was her mother.

The family had moved to 43 Joshua Street, Todmorden, by the time Arthur enlisted in 1916 and his mother was still at the same address when the later CWGC record was compiled.

Military History

22nd Bn Durham Light Infantry formerly Training Reserve Battalion.

Arthur Wilson attested in Halifax in June 1916 aged 18 years 10 months. However, he was not called up until 21 March 1917 when he joined a Training Reserve Battalion.

He was appointed unpaid lance corporal on 27 April 1917 and paid lance corporal on 27 October the same year. However, he reverted to private on 31 March 1918, the day before he embarked at Folkestone for the BEF France. He disembarked at Boulogne the same day. His Will was dated 1 April 1918, the day he arrived in France (see 'Extra information').

Arthur joined at the Infantry Base Depot at Etaples on 2 April 1918 and was transferred to the 22nd Battalion Durham Light Infantry.

He was killed in action on 26 April 1918, less than a month after joining the battalion. He is buried in Adelaide Cemetery, Villers-Bretonneux, France, (grave ref. ll.F.17).

He qualified for the British War Medal and Victory Medal.

CWGC - History of Adelaide Cemetery (extract): 'Villers-Bretonneux became famous in 1918, when the German advance on Amiens ended in the capture of the village by their tanks and infantry on 23 April. On the following day, the 4th and 5th Australian Divisions, with units of the 8th and 18th Divisions, recaptured the whole of the village and on 8 August 1918, the 2nd and 5th Australian Divisions advanced from its eastern outskirts in the Battle of Amiens. Adelaide Cemetery was begun early in June 1918 and used by the 2nd and 3rd Australian Divisions. It continued in use until the Allies began their advance in mid August, by which time it contained 90 graves (the greater part of the present Plot I, Rows A to E). After the Armistice a large number of graves were brought into the cemetery from small graveyards and isolated positions on the north, west and south of Villers-Bretonneux and they were, without exception, those of men who died in the months from March to September 1918. (graveyards and graves listed) ... Plot I was filled, Plot II was made almost entirely with graves from United Kingdom units, and Plot III almost entirely with Australian.' (

Extra Information

WMR2224 - Todmorden War Memorial, Centre Valley Park Garden of Remembrance, Burnley Road, Todmorden, Calderdale, West Yorkshire: Arthur W Greenwood (x2)

CWGC: 'Son of Ada Greenwood of 43 Joshua Street, Todmorden, Lancashire.'

Todmorden Advertiser and Hebden Bridge Newsletter, ‘In Memoriam’, 17 May 1918: ‘Greenwood. In loving memory of Lance-Corpl. Arthur Wilson Greenwood, who was killed in action in France, April 27th (sic), 1918, the dearly loved and only son of the late Wilfred and Ada Greenwood. Was it for this we loved him so, And tended him, and watched him grow? We had hoped to welcome our loved on back To the homeland he fought to save, But our hopes and fears have vanished, For he lies in a hero’s grave. From his sorrowing Mother and Sister Elsie, 43, Joshua Street, Todmorden.’ (

Todmorden Advertiser and Hebden Bridge Newsletter, ‘Acknowledgements’, 17 May 1918: ‘Greenwood. Mrs Greenwood and Daughter desire to thank all relatives and friends for letters and kind expressions of sympathy in their sad bereavement, 43 Joshua Street, Todmorden.’ (

WW1 Pension Ledgers Index Cards: named his mother, Ada Greenwood.

Army Service Record. Transcript of Will certified true copy: 'In the event of my death I leave the whole of my property & effects to my mother, Mrs A Greenwood, 43 Joshua Street, Todmorden, Yorks. Signature AW Greenwood. Rank & Regiment L/Cpl (sic) 22nd Bn DLI (Pioneers), Regtl. Number: 91198. Date 1.4.18.'

His personal property was returned to his mother in July 1918 and comprised: 2 wallets, photos, Book of Synoryms (Chemists), 2 discs, drivers licence.
