Francis Green Procter
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Henry Green Proctor / Procter and Elizabeth Simpson married in Nottingham in 1854. They had 8 children in all, and, like their father all had the name of Green. John G, Henry G, Mary G, Herbert G, Charles G, Joseph G, Francis G and Florence G. Henry senior was a wood turner by trade and by 1861 had moved to 120 Potter Street, Worksop where 7 of the children were born. In 1882, the family were now living in Kilton Road and Francis, or Frank as he was more popularly known as, joined the Royal Navy enlisting on August 8th. By 1901, all the family except the youngest, Florence had left the family home at Kilton Road, Even though he was far away, Frank was registered by the Royal Navy at Sea and in Ports Abroad in the 1901 census, reading ‘Frank Proctor born Worksop - Member Of Garrison - location, Sinho, Peiho River, North China. Frank completed his term of service but when the European war was declared he re-enlisted on the 3 Sept 1914.
Pte Frank Proctor Worksop Guardian 10 September 1915
On Sunday the distressing news of another Worksop soldier’s death from Dysentery, in Egypt, reached Worksop. The unfortunate soldier is Pte Frank Proctor R.M.L.I., the youngest son of the late Mr and Mrs Proctor, and brother of Miss Florence Proctor of 85 Kilton Road, Worksop. Ever since he was born his home address has been in Kilton Road, where his sister kept house for him after the death of his parents. The news was officially conveyed in the following letter received on Sunday by Miss Proctor from the Record Office of the Royal Navy Division:-
“ I deeply regret to inform you that a telegram has just been received from Alexandria, announcing the death of your brother, Pte Frank Proctor, Ch 18,830, S.E.R.M.L.I. who was serving with the Deal Battalion with the Royal Marine Brigade of the Royal Naval Division, from dysentery, on August 24th 1915. Any other information that I might receive will be posted to you at once. A Randall Wells, Lieut-Commander, RNVR. “ So far as can be ascertained, Pte Proctor who was well known and highly respected, had not been in hospital long, though on August 10th he wrote to the effect that he was not feeling well, “ but will soon be better “. He added that he had experienced “a terrible time: it was hell upon earth “. On August 25th a communication was received stating that he was dangerously ill from enteric. Previous to the outbreak of war, Pte Proctor had seen over 12 years service, over 11 years being spent abroad, particularly in China and Japan. He was engaged during the Boxer Rising. Although many people might have considered that he had ‘done his bit’ he was not of that opinion, and he at once re-enlisted in his old regiment on the outbreak of war. He fought in Belgium for some time and was in Antwerp during the bombardment. Seven days leave was then granted and he spent this period at home with his sister. At the beginning of February he went out to Egypt and was drafted to the Dardanelles, in the middle of April. Interviewed by a “Worksop Guardian” reporter after the siege of Antwerp, Pte Proctor gave a vivid description of the memorable time. He said he could not have a wash for eight days and he was without a shave for over a fortnight. He had been abroad for many years and was engaged in the Boxer Rising but he never saw anything quite so terrible as that which he witnessed at Antwerp. He declared that it was too terrible for words, he saw more in a week in Antwerp than during the whole of his previous career. “ Many a million “ shell were bursting all over them. The shells were falling like hailstones and he thanked his lucky stars he was not injured in any way. “ As a rule “ Mr Proctor said, “ the shells burst before they reach the ground. However, I saw one throw up four tons of earth “. Mr Proctor was amongst the last to leave Antwerp. He left just before the Belgium’s blew up the bridge to check the advance of the Germans. Miss Proctor has received the following letter from Mr Balfour:- “The King commands me to assure you of the true sympathy of His Majesty the King and Queen in your sorrow. “ One of deceased brothers is a Pensioner at Chelsea and the other, who had also served under the colours, died about four months ago. The greatest sympathy of our readers will be extended to Miss Proctor who is now left with only one relative in this world. It is indeed, sad and distressing to think that having escaped shot and shell poor Proctor should fall to this dread disease. Still there could not be a grander death.
CWG additional information:- Son of Henry and Elizabeth Procter, of Worksop. Served in China (1900).
Commemorated on East Mudros Military Cemetery, Greece.
Research by Colin Dannatt